Sunday, January 29, 2012

Seen and Heard

Despite being sick for about five weeks, I have actually done a lot of traveling in the past month or so, and it seems wrong to leave things undocumented. My first round of traveling was Vichy to Grenoble to Strasbourg to Paris; the second included Lyon and and Paris part two.

I only spent a day in Grenoble but it was so beautiful. Snowing, and I was totally unprepared for the weather; but I managed to eat a delicious dinner of fondue and ride up to see the snow covered Bastille. And find various animals dressed in Christmas attire.

He was just hanging out in the middle of the street. I took a few too many pictures.

Freezing in Grenoble

Riding up to the Bastille and slightly terrified.

Next, I went to Strasbourg and we were met with unfortunate weather. I'm pretty sure that Strasbourg is incredible in any weather though. The entire town was lit up and one Christmas market spilled into another, turning the city into a giant Christmas festival. I spent two days just walking, drinking hot wine and cider, and shopping.

Warming myself by the fire at a market in Strasbourg.
One of my best friends arrived on Christmas Eve and we spent an amazing week together, despite many unforeseen obstacles that tried to hold us back, including: bronchitis, personal drama, malfunctioning debit cards, and a laundry list of other mishaps that will remain unnamed. Rachel is the ultimate travel buddy because she's just like me--daring, clumsy, and desperate for new experiences. I don't think I've ever laughed so much as I did the week she was here; it was incredible. Here are some highlights of the trip:

Arc de Triomphe

Le Tour Eiffel

Le Louvre
One of the greatest things I took from my vacation was my experience with 'Covoiturage,' essentially a carpooling website in France. At first I was hesitant, scared of what might happen and where I might end up. But between weeks of SNCF threatening to go on massive strike and train ticket prices skyrocketing, I decided to go for it. What I found was a cheaper, more interesting way to travel. I would be nervous to do it alone, but with a friend it is a perfect way to get from point A to point B in a more enriching manner.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Triumphant return

Although I perpetually critique it, I can't imagine life without social media. Every time I log into Facebook, my email, or this recently neglected blog, it's like one giant round of applause, where everyone is screaming my name and begging for an encore. As of lately, however, the internet has for many reasons become a device of torture, and I have avoided everthing in hopes to protect the little dignity and privacy that I have left. It wasn't until yesterday, that I realized that it is 2012, not 1912, and it's a waste of energy to avoid something that is supportive 98% of the time and only 2% damaging.

Needless to say, December was not what I anticipated. For reasons I am not comfortable disclosing, the month chewed me up and spit me out, in a physical and in an emotional sense. Weeks later, I am finally gathering my strength (well I'm sitting in bed, but 90 degrees is better than 180) and writing a little.
One thing I promised myself when I began this blog was that I would write even if what I was writing was stupid. Even if it felt irrelevant or it lacked structure. So I'm doing just that.

Last week I discussed New Year's resolutions with my students, and many held the opinion that it is a terrible tradition that sets people up for failure and inhibits us from being content with who we are. I thought this was a little heavy for a fifteen year old, but there just might be something to it. I have so much to accomplish and look forward to this year, but between the waves of emotional drama and being sick for going on four weeks now, I just want to rest and feel like myself again. But part of myself is writing, so here is my first attempt to get back in the habit.